The Mangiagalli Clinic’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
This Unit extends over an area of around 1300 square meters, and it is equipped with the most modern equipment for the monitoring and the assistance of the pathologic newborn. It is thanks to this specific process of monitoring that it is possible to offer to the newborn, during the most acute phase of his pathology, the most appropriate care. The nursing and medical personnel composing this unit is highly specialized, and it has at its disposal cutting-edge equipment for care and diagnosis. Perhaps the most sophisticated out of these machines are the ones regarding particular ventilation techniques, both conventional and unconventional; they allow the medical personnel to offer a highly optimized ventilatory assistance.

In March 2009, the Pediatric Surgery Director founded a Simple Operative Unit dedicated solely to Neonatal Surgery. However, this unit’s patients suffer from the lack, within the Clinic's infrastructure, of a dedicated area for the recovery of newborns having undergone surgery. These very young patients would need personal, differentiated care, which cannot be offered in the general areas of recovery where they are placed after the most acute phase of their pathology has been taken care of. Part of the reason why this is so problematic is that, in these very early stages of the patients’ lives, a surgical operation vastly increases the risk of infection, which can only be contained in controlled environments, through a specific and dedicated care. In order for such an area to be created within the Mangiagalli Clinic, the Ca' Granda Foundation will have to take care of the renovation of a few units; also, this new area will have to include six stations equipped with specific machinery, allowing to operate directly in the unit, without a transfer to the operating room. In some cases, in fact, when the newborn is particularly weak, the balance to maintain is a very fragile one, and a transfer can be extremely harmful.